Nulla Pax is the online home for Mo Husseini's longer-form writings. I built this as a way to take some control of my content and be less dependent on the more "mainstream" outlets for publishing and access.

About me

I’m Mo Husseini, and if you’re wondering what that Latin means, congratulations on not having spent a significant part of your life learning interesting but generally useless things like Latin. Nulla pax sine veritate is latin for no peace without truth a phrase which feels like a perfect summary for the kinds of things that I like to think and write about. I engage with and explore uncomfortable truths in the hope that, someday, I might be able to stumble toward something better.

I’m a writer and filmmaker who spends too much time thinking about stories—specifically, the ones we don’t tell. I’m Palestinian, which means my identity is wrapped up in generations of struggle, loss, and resilience, but also in incredible humor, hope, and an unreasonable amount of good food. My work tends to sit at the crossroads of culture, politics, and the messy, painful beauty of being human.

I write because it’s cheaper than therapy (although I've done plenty of that too). I make films because sometimes words aren’t enough. And I started this blog because, apparently, I thought the internet needed one more person shouting their feelings into the void.

This isn’t meant to be a space for easy answers or performative hand-wringing. It’s for asking hard questions, poking holes in comfortable narratives, and, occasionally, making jokes that don’t land. Truth isn’t pretty, but it’s necessary—and if we want any kind of real peace (with ourselves, with each other), we’ve got to dig through the ugly stuff first.

So, if you’re up for some sharp words, messy stories, and the occasional attempt at humor, you’re in the right place. Welcome to Nulla Pax. Let’s figure this out together. Or not. Either way, I’m glad you’re here.