You know what’s weird?

You know what’s weird?
It’s weird to want to cut the corporate tax rate to 18% while claiming to champion the working class.
It’s weird to think dismantling the administrative state will improve governance.
It’s weird to propose using an 1873 law to ban the distribution of abortion pills by mail.
It’s weird to declare that Christians won’t have to vote again if Trump wins.
It’s weird to plan for a “second American Revolution” while insisting it remains bloodless if the left cooperates.
It’s weird to want to restore the family as the centerpiece of American life by imposing conservative religious values.
It’s weird to think climate change isn’t a priority when the planet is burning up.
It’s weird to want to phase out Social Security and Medicare.
It’s weird to deny knowing about Project 2025 while your surrogates push it aggressively.
It’s weird to accuse Democrats of fearmongering while pushing an agenda that scares half the country.
It’s weird to obsess over transgender athletes instead of focusing on actual policy issues.
It’s weird to promise to end democracy by declaring no need to vote again if elected.
It’s weird to think you can govern effectively by firing half the federal workforce.
It’s weird to support pardoning people convicted of attacking the Capitol.
It’s weird to suggest privatizing the Veterans Affairs healthcare system.
It’s weird to be more concerned with banning books than addressing gun violence.
It’s weird to argue for reducing regulations on pollution amid increasing natural disasters.
It’s weird to undermine public education by promoting vouchers for private and religious schools.
It’s weird to equate patriotism with blind allegiance to a single leader.
It’s weird to think that building a wall will solve complex immigration issues.
It’s weird to suggest injecting disinfectant to treat COVID-19.
It’s weird to downplay a pandemic while promoting unproven treatments.
It’s weird to want to cut funding for the World Health Organization during a global health crisis.
It’s weird to continuously claim an election was stolen without evidence.
It’s weird to propose arming teachers as a solution to school shootings.
It’s weird to roll back environmental protections in the face of climate change.
It’s weird to call for banning critical race theory without understanding it.
It’s weird to impose tariffs that hurt your own farmers and consumers.
It’s weird to refuse to concede an election and incite an insurrection.
It’s weird to threaten to leave NATO, weakening international alliances.
It’s weird to think hydroxychloroquine is a cure-all for COVID-19.
It’s weird to deny systemic racism while supporting policies that perpetuate it.
It’s weird to oppose net-neutrality, which benefits consumers.
It’s weird to believe in mass voter fraud without providing proof.
It’s weird to demonize the free press as “the enemy of the people.”
It’s weird to reject renewable energy solutions in favor of coal.
It’s weird to undermine public health officials during a health crisis.
It’s weird to use the Justice Department to settle personal scores.
It’s weird to propose a military parade reminiscent of authoritarian regimes.
It’s weird to ignore science and expertise in policy-making.
It’s weird to think social media companies are biased against conservatives.
It’s weird to propose a national registry for Muslims.
It’s weird to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement.
It’s weird to claim windmills cause cancer.
It’s weird to say that exercising too much depletes your energy.
It’s weird to insist on using hydroxychloroquine despite scientific evidence.
It’s weird to try to purchase Greenland.
It’s weird to want to ban transgender people from military service.
It’s weird to pardon convicted war criminals.
It’s weird to impose a travel ban on predominantly Muslim countries.
It’s weird to believe that tariffs are paid by foreign countries.
It’s weird to downplay Russian interference in U.S. elections.
It’s weird to continuously attack former President Obama.
It’s weird to advocate for herd immunity without vaccines.
It’s weird to consider cutting funding for social safety nets.
It’s weird to suggest delaying the election.
It’s weird to hold rallies during a pandemic without health precautions.
It’s weird to propose repealing the Affordable Care Act without a replacement.
It’s weird to claim mail-in voting is rife with fraud.
It’s weird to spread misinformation about election integrity.
It’s weird to accuse political opponents of treason without evidence.
It’s weird to refuse to wear a mask during a pandemic.
It’s weird to support defunding public schools in favor of private ones.
It’s weird to deny the existence of white privilege.
It’s weird to call peaceful protesters “thugs.”
It’s weird to think climate change is a hoax.
It’s weird to support a border wall over comprehensive immigration reform.
It’s weird to call the free press “fake news.”
It’s weird to peddle QAnon conspiracy theories.
It’s weird to believe that the U.S. should withdraw from the UN.
It’s weird to propose arming college students to prevent shootings.
It’s weird to suggest that exercise is bad for you.
It’s weird to promote policies that increase wealth inequality.
It’s weird to attack allies and praise dictators.
It’s weird to propose eliminating the Department of Education.
It’s weird to think that healthcare isn’t a human right.
It’s weird to ban transgender individuals from adopting children.
It’s weird to think that trickle-down economics works.
It’s weird to oppose raising the minimum wage.
It’s weird to think the U.S. shouldn’t invest in renewable energy.
It’s weird to cut funding for public broadcasting.
It’s weird to dismantle consumer protection regulations.
It’s weird to claim that immigrants bring more crime.
It’s weird to think that gun control laws infringe on rights.
It’s weird to think that voter ID laws don’t suppress votes.
It’s weird to propose ending birthright citizenship.
It’s weird to support banning books that discuss race.
It’s weird to cut funding for climate science research.
It’s weird to claim that the U.S. healthcare system is the best.
It’s weird to think that the minimum wage should be abolished.
It’s weird to oppose funding for arts and culture.
It’s weird to think that college should be unaffordable.
It’s weird to oppose paid family leave.
It’s weird to believe that social programs create dependency.
It’s weird to propose re-instituting child labor.
It’s weird to think public health measures infringe on personal freedom.
It’s weird to support the privatization of Social Security.
It’s weird to believe in the conspiracy that vaccines cause autism.
It’s weird to suggest that more guns in schools will reduce shootings.
It’s weird to think that homelessness is best addressed by criminalization.
It’s weird to believe that government assistance creates dependency.
It’s weird to want to deregulate Wall Street.
It’s weird to think that the Earth is only 6,000 years old.
It’s weird to want to eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency.
It’s weird to believe that the death penalty deters crime.
It’s weird to want to drill for oil in national parks.
It’s weird to think that corporate profits are more important than worker rights.
It’s weird to deny the existence of gender inequality.
It’s weird to think that LGBTQ+ rights infringe on religious freedom.
It’s weird to claim that global warming is beneficial.
It’s weird to want to eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood.
It’s weird to believe that the government should not regulate business practices.
It’s weird to think that higher education should not be accessible to all.
It’s weird to propose banning Muslims from entering the country.
It’s weird to oppose universal healthcare.
It’s weird to want to reduce funding for public transportation.
It’s weird to believe that the minimum wage should not be increased.
It’s weird to oppose efforts to combat climate change.
It’s weird to think that women should not have autonomy over their bodies.
It’s weird to think that the rich should not pay more in taxes.
It’s weird to believe that gun ownership is an absolute right.
It’s weird to want to cut funding for food assistance programs.
It’s weird to deny the need for criminal justice reform.
It’s weird to think that racial profiling is effective law enforcement.
It’s weird to oppose the legalization of marijuana.
It’s weird to want to cut funding for public health programs.
It’s weird to believe that corporations should have the same rights as individuals.
It’s weird to think that money equals free speech.
It’s weird to believe that the government should not regulate pollution.
It’s weird to oppose efforts to make college more affordable.
It’s weird to think that income inequality is not a problem.
It’s weird to believe that health care is not a human right.
It’s weird to oppose raising taxes on the wealthy.
It’s weird to think that the market will solve all problems.
It’s weird to deny the benefits of renewable energy.
It’s weird to think that immigration is a threat to national security.
It’s weird to oppose regulations on corporate campaign contributions.
It’s weird to think that privatizing education will improve it.
It’s weird to deny the benefits of social safety nets.
It’s weird to believe that economic inequality is natural.
It’s weird to oppose efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
It’s weird to think that the U.S. does not need allies.
It’s weird to believe that deregulation will lead to economic growth.
It’s weird to oppose anti-discrimination laws.
It’s weird to think that corporate interests align with public good.
It’s weird to believe that the U.S. should withdraw from international agreements.
It’s weird to oppose funding for renewable energy research.
It’s weird to think that the private sector should handle public services.
It’s weird to believe that wealth is a sign of virtue.
It’s weird to think that poverty is due to personal failings.
It’s weird to oppose efforts to increase voter turnout.
It’s weird to believe that austerity measures help the economy.
It’s weird to think that social programs are a waste of money.
It’s weird to oppose funding for mental health services.
It’s weird to believe that the government should not provide healthcare.
It’s weird to think that corporate profits benefit everyone.
It’s weird to oppose efforts to close the gender pay gap.
It’s weird to believe that the government should not protect workers’ rights.
I’m sure I’ve missed some stuff that’s pretty weird…
Feel free to add yours to the list.